Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Technical Strategies To Get Pregnant Wife

There are some important things that make it easy to obtain offspring pair, the first is the couple both have reproductive organs that are both healthy and right for each other, the second is the intensity and schedule of sexual intercourse, other things that also supports the technique in intercourse.

Reproductive health affect each spouse to be easy to obtain offspring. For women, there should ideally be done a complete inspection of organic disorders, such as how the position of the uterus, presence or absence of cysts, myomas, and others who
may influence the occurrence of pregnancy. Does patent oviduct (not blocked)? Is ovary (egg bladder) healthy and able to produce eggs.

Also is there any need to be examined by dysfunction of reproductive organs such as hormonal disorders or are there TORCH infections, both of which can be identified by laboratory examination. For men ideally need to analyze sperm, to determine whether the semen is produced can fertilize an egg cell mate.

After a complete examination and you and partner are healthy, then that needs to be regulated next is scheduled intercourse. Sexual intercourse as often as possible will not accelerate the occurrence of pregnancy, and even vice versa. This is due to the quality of semen that will decline in terms of concentration of sperm in it. Consult with your doctor when the time of ovulation (release of egg cells) of your wife, this is calculated based on your wife's menstrual cycle. You should not touch first with your wife a few days before the time of ovulation, so that your semen has a high sperm concentration.

At the scheduled time, perform sexual intercourse with your partner. Actually there are no special techniques to accelerate the occurrence of pregnancy, there are only a few things to note for the semen is not too fast out of the vagina. Try doing a sexual relationship with the woman is under to collect the semen. Once connected, your spouse do not immediately get up, remain lying down for 15-30 minutes with your hips lifted up and propped a pillow or a foot lifted up against the wall.

If the things mentioned above you and your partner are trying to do, praying to God Almighty, then hopefully you and your partner will quickly acquire offspring.
Use the Associated Board of The Right Position
Many fertility experts who argue that the man on top position during intercourse provides the best opportunity for the occurrence of pregnancy. To be effective, she can prop her hips with a pillow so her cervix could accommodate a lot of sperm. Try after ejaculation occurs between pairs, for 10-20 minutes for the woman remained in a lying position. Do not leave earlier than the attitude of this lie because the minute this time of semen will melt, and if the woman got up liquid cement will flow back into the vagina and make the sour atmosphere weakened and dead sperm. It is also an order for a woman's fertility can be better maintained. 

Relaxed atmosphere Presents The Associated
Activities related to this husband and wife should be done in a relaxed and romantic. When the fertile period arrived and planned to have sex, make preparations enough time. If the completed activities of a work, rest beforehand to give the body a refreshing time. Bathing can be a way for the body become refreshed. Keep the mood and be relaxed, do not be too stressful in sexual intercourse, for example, think about whether the "activities" this time will produce a pregnancy. 

Vitamin Drink
To get pregnant quickly, consumption of foods containing vitamins and substances needed for fertility is very important for you and your partner. Vitamin C, one of them, can improve sperm quality. Consume 1,000 mg and 10 mcg of vitamin D or vitamin E can increase the fertility of men and women. And women who take folic acid pregnant have a better chance than those who do not consume them. Folic acid also plays an important role in the formation of the fetal brain tube later. 

Pray To The Almighty
Humans simply can plan and try, while that God would determine everything. Therefore equip your business with a prayer to Him, so blessed as soon as the gift of pregnancy. Prayer is so powerful, capable of realizing the impossible becomes possible. So, pray!

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