Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Symptoms frigidity

How do I know whether we are including one who suffered from this disease? Feature frigid women are those who reject or not at all excited in a sexual stimulation.

Physically, there are no signs at all. Everyday he could have a lively, even having children a lot of marital relationships. In fact, many women who do not feel there is a problem with his sex life.

The cause of frigidity

The biggest cause of woman turned to ice is a psychological factor. Generally, psychosexual problems is the beginning of frigidity, otherwise rarely medical.

Many problems that make a woman turned to ice. A woman does not necessarily become cold. Could have been previously intimate life was fine.

Frigidity could arise in the marriage because of a heavy feeling of disappointment against the pair, feeling betrayed, or there is anger that is covered. Other causes of frigidity, among others:

   1. Unconsciously fear women experience is not accepted by the partner who comes in the form of fear of criticism from her partner concerning the state of her body and her sexual response; fears she will likely harmed by a partner genitalianya tool; fear women will be pregnant as a result of sexual relations.
   2. Pent-up resentment toward her partner by various causes that is, forced to marry someone she did not really love; are not recognized, kept his revenge on the men who dominate women.
   3. Conflict of love: the woman is really loving man who was not her husband, a tendency which is latent lesbianism, has narcissistic tendencies, that is to love yourself more than anyone else.
   4. Financial difficulties due to causal factors in frigidity psychic energy is absorbed almost all efforts to overcome these difficulties.
   5. State that continued grief experienced by women because of factors outside ourselves or from within ourselves as women who experienced depression continued the woman.
   6. Too exhausted by the daily workload will create interest in the intimate conjugal relations were eroded.
   7. The husband who only pay attention to the achievement of orgasm in itself and does not care about the orgasm on the part of his wife, meaning straight to bed, turned her over to the other direction without regard to the wife. In this case the wife will feel just used it and did not gain anything from intimate relationships. He felt exploited, humiliated, used in vain, but this woman was afraid to refuse unwanted sexual relations of her husband.
   8. Psychosexual previous experience that is traumatic, as had been the victim of rape.

Impact frigidity

Frigidity will definitely affect the relationships between husband and wife in marriage. Actually what the purpose of the marital relationship?

   1. Procreative, namely through the husband-wife relationship both partners will get a descent.
   2. Recreational, intimate relationships also have significant recreational function of its role in relation harmony daily. Thus the fun aspect will be covered in interelasinya.
   3. Well-being, namely the intimate relationship that meets optimum pleasure and satisfaction for both parties will have an impact biopsikologis a matchless comfort.

Most of the people with frigidity will pretend is menstruating to avoid conjugal relations. So the condition that secretly frigidity diidap some women, not only making himself miserable. But it could destroy his household.

The important thing to consider is, if the response is dominated complaints of sexual frigidity wife, the husband's sexual arousal would be decreased gradually. Could have reduced enthusiasm for the development of a husband would result in complaints of impotence psikogenis on the husband.
How does this therapy help?

Can be concluded that a weak female sexual power is caused by many factors, including psychological factors as well as fatigue. Psychological factors resolved with open communication husband and wife, may not always be easy, but when he tried to open, the problem would be solved. And for kelelahaan factors certainly could be solved with enough rest.

Brain Wave Therapy also helps overcome the problem of frigidity or lack of sex drive in women, this therapy uses as a base Gamma waves and nature sounds as background. When a woman's sex drive is weak, the brain waves will go down as ordered to rest, even when exposed felt sleepy. With this gamma-wave stimulation, the brain frequency will go up so that the passion rises and remains passionate

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