Saturday, December 18, 2010

History of Condoms

I begin this paper with little exposure on the etymology (origin of the word) a condom. Many theories are scattered about this problem and according to William E. conclusions Kruck, origin of the word condom is not known for certain. One opinion is that attempts to explain the origin of the word condoms stating that condoms are derived from the Latin word "Condon", meaning the reservoir. Others say that the condom comes from the Latin word "condamina" which means house. There is also speculation that the condom from the Italian word "guantone" comes from "guanto", meaning gloves. In the UK different again his theory. According to folklore there, said condoms withdrawn from the doctor's name or Quondam Condom who made it for King Charles II (but there's no scientific evidence). One theory is no British army officer named Cundum who popularized the condom between the years 1680-1717. Various kinds of course. So instead of mending confused he decided that the origin is unknown, you're all things.

Now we go into history. A painting of ancient Egypt 3,000 years old is expected to describe the decorative penis sheath that was used by men. Not yet known whether the Egyptians use condoms for the purpose of ritual or contraception, but it seems more inclined to use as a protection against disease and insects. Greek legend of Minos narrated by Anthony Liberals in the year 150 describe the use of goat's bladder as a protective action when copulation, but the purpose of such practices is not really clear. In Japan, reputedly the penis sheath is used in the early 1500's.

Condoms were first discovered in 1564 when an Italian doctor named Gabrielo Fallopia nation (yes, one of the female reproductive tract is named after the doctor's name is) recommended the use of linen sheath that serves as a protection against sexually transmitted diseases. How, these linen sheath moistened with a particular chemical solution and dried before use. The doctor was admitted conduct experiments on 1100 subjects and reported that the gloves protect the wearer from syphilis. Meanwhile, oldest condoms found came from Dudley Castle in England in 1640 (wow, really durable.) Condoms are made from animal intestines and are believed to use as a protection from transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. In the 19th century in Japan already available condoms from the skin, tortoise shells or horns. In China mentioned that similar objects are also present, but the material of silk paper greasy (what does not make any noise gemersik huh?).

Until the middle of the 18th century condoms made from animal intestines. New rubber condom produced in 1855 after Charles Goodyear creating rubber vulcanization. Of course, his form has not been like now. Early-generation rubber condoms were sewn on the sides and the thickness reaches 1-2 mm. And can be used repeatedly (just do not forget to wash, perhaps). New in 1912 a German named Julius Fromm developed a new production techniques condom, by dipping the glass into the dough raw rubber solution so that condoms become thinner and without stitches. Since the 1930s the condom has been developed into single-use condoms are thin and cheap as now.

That was the case male condoms, we are now stepping into the affairs of the female condom. In 1988 several countries started to test the female condom. The female condom was approved for sale to the public in the United States beginning in 1992. In Indonesia, I also vaguely remember already marketed. The female condom made of latex or polyurethane condom looks like a regular (read: men), but worn on the body of a woman. At the end of the sheath is closed there are flexible plastic ring that fits with the cervix, like a diaphragm. At the opposite end there is a ring that circles the labia (genital lips). Although the female condom size fit the contour of the vagina, the penis can move freely within the sheath is coated with silicone-based lubricants.

In closing, I am going to present some kind toward the development of condom that I think is interesting. Université Laval in Quebec, Canada developed the invisible condom. The form of a topical gel on the penis and harden (jelnya, not his penis) when an increase in temperature during anal or vaginal penetration. The entire gel after several hours, but the gel is still in the stage of clinical trials. Swiss TV news on November 29, 2006 mentions the German scientist Jan Vinzenz Krause from the Institute for Condom Consultancy is developing a spray-dried condoms in five seconds, and is now testing the market. The advantage of two recent condom development model is definitely fit for any penis size and model. If the products are marketed, goodbye case condom saggy or ripped because narrow.

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